
Sunday, December 24, 2006

I've had some time off for the Christmas holiday and spent some of that time finishing projects that I started some time ago. Chief among those projects was getting digital video off of tape from the camera and into my computer, then doing a little editing with iMovie to complete some movies to be burned to DVD. I don't have a DVD burner so that final step will have to wait a while longer.

Anyway, I've had this idea to post of couple of sermons that someone videotaped for me on my blog. I thought Youtube was the way to go but the sermons were beyond their 10 minute limit even though the file size was okay. Do you know the difference between a sermon and a homily? About 10 minutes!

I thought I would give Google Video a try and guess what, they have come through again! The videos uploaded easily and they gave me an option to post them to my blog with just a couple of clicks. I was worried about how I was going to accomplish that step. They made it easy.

So, finally, the previous two posts are sermons that I preached filling in for an interim minister who had a heart attack. I actually preached there three out of four weeks. The last time I was there they gave me a VHS tape with my two previous sermons on it. The minister who had the heart attack was able to go with me on the last trip and is doing fine with interims in other places.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Sermon2 by Rev. David Grandgeorge

Preached at First Christian Church, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, on August 7, 2005

Sermon by Rev. David Grandgeorge

Preached at First Christian Church, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, on July 31, 2005