
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Day 21, August 23, 2013

Day 21, August 23
Our prayers this morning included the housekeeper that checks on us every day.  Her five-month-old baby may have to have heart surgery next month.  He has down-syndrome and a heart defect.

I finished reading Shifting Realities in two different sittings on the rocker outside.  The technology part was dated but the discussion of the digital age on culture and the church was timely.

We have noticed a new (to us) kind of biting insect.  They are very small no-see-ums.  They fly differently from sand gnats.  I did a Google search and believe they are biting gnats.  There are not many bugs here at all.

Kay put a ham in the oven and took a nap after lunch.  I opened a box of stacked papers and sorted them into organized files.

We took a walk and made a couple of phone calls to family after supper.

A choir from a Baptist Church came in for a retreat this weekend.  Their meeting room is just below and next too our apartment.  They are trying out some Christmas music.  It’s nice to have some other people around. 

Tonight, DB bluntly says, “If you reject God’s commanding word, you will not receive God’s gracious word.”  The accompanying psalm (106) says, “Then they despised the pleasant land having no faith in his promise.  They grumbles in their tents and did not obey the voice of the LORD.”  A lot of church members participate in nothing the church does.  How can they expect to be a part of the community of faith?  They have no faith in its promise.


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