
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 13

Day 13, August 15   
The Stillspeaking devotional this morning reminded us of the old saying, “Look what the cat dragged in.”  That’s what the writer’s mother would say when she went to visit her.  The saying was familiar and so was the image.  My mother had a cat that would go out in the evening and often come back with something in her mouth (often a field mouse) with which she wanted to play in the house.  You had to check her at the door before allowing admittance.  Are we guilty of that at the church?  Checking people at the door?  The welcoming, forgiving, accepting, merciful and gracious Jesus brings all kinds of people our way.  Let those who have eyes see them.

DB continued in the Beatitudes.  “Blessed are the pure in heart.”  DB is a tough taskmaster.  He says we should rid ourselves not only of the evil in our hearts, but also the good too.  “A pure heart is pure of good and evil and belongs undivided to Christ.”  That’s easier to take from Jesus than a German Lutheran describing our life together.  O the blessedness known to the lowly.  Counter cultural, but the beginning of blessing.


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