
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 10

Day 10, August 12    266#
I got up about 3 am from restless sleep.  I still had a fever.   I went back to bed for a couple of hours at 5 am.  I soon began to feel much better.  Kay and I went to see the Doctor as a follow-up to the CT scan.  He is scheduling a colonoscopy in about 3 weeks to make sure there is no cancer in the verticula in her sigmoid.  She is feeling much better and working toward more solid food.

Upon returning to the house, I feared we had locked ourselves out.  I had taken the house keys off my key chain to give to Kay while I was gone on Sunday.  I remembered seeing them on the counter and thinking I should put them back on with my keys.  They were NOT on my keychain.  After trying both doors I soon remembered where spare keys to the house were hidden and found them.  And guess what; the other keys were in my pocket, just not on the keychain.

I joined Kay in a nap after lunch.  I’m still not 100% from the bug of yesterday with a fever and I wanted to rest up for a midnight trek to the stars to see meteors from Perseus in hopefully clear skies.

DB has been continuing in the Beatitudes.  Yesterday was mourning and today was meekness.  We should spend more time in the Beatitudes.  It is Jesus’ description of life following where he leads, even into suffering.  Two things came to mind.  One is remembering reading somewhere and insight that stays with me, especially on Sunday mornings.  Everyone in the pew is suffering from something, silently.  That is not just an individual trait; it is also a mark of Christian community.  The other is an image that gives flesh to that.  I watched a choir perform a Christmas cantata in a congregation I once served as pastor and now was visiting.  In the rows of smiling faces singing of hope, peace, joy and love I saw individuals who had suffered much in recent years.  I had shared their grief, worries, failures, and injuries.  Now they gave witness to the comfort of bearing suffering in the community of faith.  How often can we sing JOY to the World?


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