
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 17, now at Christmount

Day 17, August 19, 2013
I woke up at 4 am, perhaps excited about the next phase of the adventure.  Kay slept for more than 10 hours! 

I spent the early hours fixing and updating some connections between iCloud and my iPhone and iPad.  Now, Notes, Reminders, and Bookmarks are all connecting.  Each updates automatically when I make a change on one.  I have been too busy to streamline these functions.  But they work NOW!

After our morning time together in meditation and prayer we went to eat breakfast at Denny’s since we had no milk cereal and no other options.  Afterwards, we stocked up on groceries at Ingle’s.  I liked that grocery store.  They had lots of fresh and organic options.

We both took a nap after lunch to catch up on rest after packing, traveling, and unpacking. 

We did some rocking and reading on the open-air balcony of the Guest House.  Kay used part of the early evening to check her Facebook and Gmail.  We have good Internet access here.

DB talked about cheap grace in our encounter this evening.  One of his most famous books is The Cost of Discipleship.  This is DB’s famous theme.   Grace is not cheap.  He says cheap grace is the mortal enemy of our church.  Cheap grace is preaching forgiveness without repentance.  I took notice.  Cheap grace is a cover-up for sin, which shows no remorse and less desire to be free sin.  It is church membership without the discipline of community.  That reigns us all in.


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