
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 12

Day 12, August 14    264#
Rusty and I took an extra long walk this morning to visit the dam that holds back Lake Eureka.  We met a few more neighborhood dogs.  Just before the overflow pipe I was two Great Blue Herons, a Great Egret, and a Green Heron.  One of the dogs has become our buddy.  We call him Bubba.  He accompanied us most of the way and followed us home.  He sometimes hangs out on the back porch.

After our morning devotions, I began to read a book about the iCloud that I have had for a while hoping to get the most out of networking my three OSX devices, MacBook Pro laptop, iPad and iPhone.  I have underlined several things that should be helpful immediately.  I may be changing my calendar program!

Sorted through more boxes of papers.  I’m catching up!

We had a thunder shower in mid-afternoon.  It was nice to enjoy the sounds and smells on the porch.  The earth here was ready for some rain.  Rusty and I saw Bubba running by and he joined us under the shelter.

I am wondering when DB was writing this evening’s devotion.  Was it when he was teaching people to be pastors in the seminary community he established for the Lutherans who chose not to follow Hitler into National Socialism?  Was it later when he was in a concentration camp for “Trying to take the wheel from the madman” in a plot on Hitler’s life?  I can see his perspectives for teaching about mercy.  “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.”  Is that for students who would mediate God’s grace to underground Christians?  Is it for Jews and others being worked to death in the fellowship of the oppressed?  DB was part of both worlds.  Where do we find ourselves right now?  Merciful?  Or in need of mercy?


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