
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Day 15 recovered

Day 15, August 17
We woke up at home today.  It seemed harder to do the new routines we have been doing on sabbatical in a place that calls us back old ways.  First the ecstasy.  Then the laundry.  We resisted the old familiar ways.  We set into devotions and work without turning on the TV to accompany us.

We parted with our dog Rusty this afternoon.  He can’t go to Christmount with us, so he will be staying with his mate and two of their three offspring while we are in North Carolina.

We have spent the day unpacking and repacking.  This next phase of our sabbatical is too far to come back and pick up something else.  We will have only one vehicle available.  So, we find that we are making some different choices in what we take.

DB lifts up the blessing of those persecuted for righteousness.  We who follow Jesus and seek right relationship with God in this god-forsaken world will offensive to the world.  Welcoming ALL, turning the other cheek, loving our enemies . . . need I go on?  We will bear the marks of Christ!


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